Cheap Espresso Pods Machine - MonteDoro Caffe`- La Piccola Cecilia 2 Groups
If you want to buy Espresso Pods Machine - MonteDoro Caffe`- La Piccola Cecilia 2 Groups at cheap price, check out our best deals below!
Espresso Pods Machine - MonteDoro Caffe`- La Piccola Cecilia 2 Groups is a good product that we would recommend to anyone. Most buyers who have purchased Espresso Pods Machine - MonteDoro Caffe`- La Piccola Cecilia 2 Groups are impressed with the product. Espresso Pods Machine - MonteDoro Caffe`- La Piccola Cecilia 2 Groups is definitely a best deal for people who are looking a good product.
Espresso Pods Machine - MonteDoro Caffe`- La Piccola Cecilia 2 Groups
- La Piccola Cecilia espresso E.S.E pods machine 2 groups semiauto
- High Quality and heavy duty espresso E.S.E pods machines
- USE:Perfect for Domestic ,Offices and Business.
- All components of the machine are exclusively 100% Made in Italy
- 1 year warranty from date of purchase
La Piccola Cecilia 2 group are also unique with a professional 3lt boiler all in stainless steel for your cappuccino, espresso, hot chocolate and latte's, with energy savings of 70% compared to a traditional commercial unit. Height 42cm Width 52.5cm Depth 45cm Weight 38kg ( 55 pounds) Power Supply 120V~ 60Hz Power 2900W Tank 5 Liter Safety Thermostat Hot water and steam dispenser with separate boiler Milk-foam steam holder. Scale preventing device.
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Espresso Pods Machine - MonteDoro Caffe`- La Piccola Cecilia 2 Groups is available to purchase directly from our partner. If you are really interested to get Espresso Pods Machine - MonteDoro Caffe`- La Piccola Cecilia 2 Groups at good price, please follow the link above and get great deals on it.
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