Cheap European Gift Bar-T 2V-R La Pavoni Bar-T 2V-R 2 Group, Red
If you want to buy European Gift Bar-T 2V-R La Pavoni Bar-T 2V-R 2 Group, Red at cheap price, check out our best deals below!
European Gift Bar-T 2V-R La Pavoni Bar-T 2V-R 2 Group, Red is a quality product and we recommend it to you. Most buyers who have purchased European Gift Bar-T 2V-R La Pavoni Bar-T 2V-R 2 Group, Red are impressed with the product. European Gift Bar-T 2V-R La Pavoni Bar-T 2V-R 2 Group, Red is definitely a best deal for people who are looking a quality product.
European Gift Bar-T 2V-R La Pavoni Bar-T 2V-R 2 Group, Red
Groups made with press-forged brass and chrome plated, with vertical infusion chamber and pressurization system.
Boiler in copper equipped with transversal heat exchangers and front injectors for each group.
La Pavoni commercial Volumetric espresso machine, 2 groups, 2 steam wands,1 hot water tap, 14 liter boiler.Direct water feed. 4370W/230V
<< Buy Cheap European Gift Bar-T 2V-R La Pavoni Bar-T 2V-R 2 Group, Red >>
European Gift Bar-T 2V-R La Pavoni Bar-T 2V-R 2 Group, Red is available to purchase directly from our partner. If you want to get European Gift Bar-T 2V-R La Pavoni Bar-T 2V-R 2 Group, Red at good price, please follow the link above and get nice deals on it.
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