Cheap Gaggia 102532 Espresso-Pure Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine, Black
If you want to buy Gaggia 102532 Espresso-Pure Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine, Black at cheap price, check out our best deals below!
Gaggia 102532 Espresso-Pure Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine, Black is a high quality product with very good reviews. Most consumers who have purchased Gaggia 102532 Espresso-Pure Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine, Black are impressed with the product. Gaggia 102532 Espresso-Pure Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine, Black is definitely a best deal for people who are looking a high quality product.
Gaggia 102532 Espresso-Pure Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine, Black
- 1100-watt espresso machine with stainless-steel boiler and 15-bar pump
- Chrome-plated brass brew group and portafilter provide excellent temperature stability
- Accommodates ESE coffee pods or ground coffee; Pannarello steam wand; cup warmer
- Removable water tank; 3 filter baskets, coffee tamper, and coffee-measuring scoop included
- Measures 10-4/5 by 8-2/7 by 14 inches
The Gaggia Espresso Pure’s classic, timeless design brings style and innovation to any kitchen or workspace. Brew grounds or pods on its chrome plated brass group head and filter holder, then froth and steam milk using its Pannarello frothing wand to make a latte, cappuccino, or macchiato. With a stainless steel boiler, a passive cup warmer, and a maximum pump pressure of 15 bars, each shot is sure to be brewed at the proper temperature and pressure for a thick layer of golden crema. Priced just right for the budget conscious, the Gaggia Espresso Pure offers you a multitude of commercial-quality brewing experiences while remaining stylish and elegant.
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Gaggia 102532 Espresso-Pure Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine, Black is available to purchase directly from our partner. If you are interested to buy Gaggia 102532 Espresso-Pure Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine, Black at good price, please follow the link above and get best deals on it.
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